Through its charitable gifts, the Maurer Family Foundation aims to provide financial assistance to those organizations and institutions whose goal is to enrich their communities and the lives of their patrons through programs of cultural value. This includes, but is not limited to, fine art, experimental art, applied and decorative art, film, television, music, literature, poetry, architecture, theater, dance, opera, and folk traditions; in short, the entire realm of creative human endeavor.
In the early 1990s Gil and Ann Maurer were thinking deeply about how to engage and unify a large and growing family unit. What meaningful work could connect us as a family? What common endeavor would inspire us, our children and their children?
The idea of creating a foundation dedicated to supporting the arts in America had great appeal to the personal interests of every member of the family. Thus was born the Maurer Family Foundation, a charitable foundation, which provides grants to local arts organizations that the family believes in.
Now with three generations of family members actively participating, the Maurer Family Foundation continues to bring together a close-knit family dedicated to helping the arts flourish in its community.
Board of Directors
Meredith Hutchison, President
Gilbert Maurer, Co-Founder
Ann Maurer, Co-Founder, 1995 - 2020
Christopher Maurer
David Maurer
Peter J. Maurer
Jonathan Maurer
Associate Directors
Holly Maurer
Stephanie R. Maurer
Jeffrey Hutchison
Gretchen Shugart
Paul Maurer
Elizabeth Maurer
Scott Maurer
Nellie Maurer
Peter C. Maurer
Stephanie J. Maurer
Alexander Maurer
Alison Hutchison
Olivia Vlodinger
Helena Maurer
Ashley Hutchison
Idan Vlodinger